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Previous | Next               Table Of Contents > 8 Working with timestamps > 8.2 Using timestamps

8.2 Using timestamps

Timestamps or portions of timestamps are frequently added to file names. The following examples show how time stamps can be appended to files and how file names can be searched for specific timestamps.

gettimestamp ~my_timestamp; # generate current timestamp

foreach $local_item in @local_list begin
strprint ~new_name, ~my_timestamp, "_", $; #prepend timestamp to file name

gettimestamp ~my_timestamp, decr, day, 1; #generate timestamp that is a day old

foreach $local_item in @local_list begin
strprint ~search_name, "*", ~my_timestamp, "*"; #generate search string
if ~search_name eq $ begin
#search for files with this timestamp as part of their filename

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